Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The call from the specialist group July 29th ish

My mind still preoccupied from the news the day before, I woke up knowing we all needed to go and pick up our oldest son Alex from the airport. The entire time I was thinking "When are they gonna call, when are they gonna call" as I was driving down interstate 580. Apparently, I was driving to fast because I got a ticket. Crying as he was writing the ticket, Kevin kept reassuring me that it was okay, that he was surprised this was my very first ticket. He was trying to make me laugh. We got to the airport and picked up Alex. We were all hungry so we stopped to get something to eat. While we were there "they" called. Sacramento Maternal Fetal Medicine called we had an appointment for the next day. She was trying to explain that she would email me forms to fill out and bring with me. I was so out of it I couldn't comprehend what she was saying. I told her that. She explained what I needed to do and told me to stay off the internet until we saw the doctor and he told us what our baby's situation was. That was the best advice yet. For the rest of the day I tried to just concentrate on the kids that needed me now. Alot of these details are fuzzy at this point.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you started a blog. It will help all of us to pray and follow your story. If you ever want to meet with us (i.e. need someone to pray with you or just talk) we're only an hour from you.

    Beverly Littau
