Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The emotional roller coaster continues....

Today's appointment was NOT good. First, the doctors are concerned about Averi's heart. The output artery looks narrow. We are being referred to a Pediatric Cardiologist, and will be adding him to our team of doctors for Averi. Dr. McLean did say that it could be the way the ultrasound is viewing the artery because her heart is pushed all the way to the right side. So we wait to see what the cardiologist says.

Second, my blood sugars were high at this visit. So, I am retaking the glucose test. I forgot to get that lab slip before we left so I will have to remember to call in the morning.

Third, the amniotic fluid has increased in volume. My blood sugar could be causing this, however it is common with CDH babies since they may not be able to process the fluid normally with their organs all scrambled in the chest cavity.

I need to read more about all of this, but I think I will wait for the glucose test results and the cardiologist to give us some definate answers. I have learned that reading this without knowing more specifically what is going on with us is depressing since there is so much information.

I am stressed out, frustrated, overwhelmed, sad, and feel like I need a time out. My grandma is in the hospital, Ian is sick again, grades just arrived for Alex (not the best), all seemed to pile up on me emotionally today. I feel like a failure because I can't seem to keep it together.

I would like to end on a positive note. Averi weighs 4 lbs. 12 oz. and her heart is functioning normally, and her heartbeat is strong. I am 32 weeks and 4 days and all of Averi's measurements are right on track or measure a little further along. The doctors at Sac MFM are awesome and Dr. McLean was so gracious today.

I do have some prayer requests.

That God will continue to teach me through this, and give me peace and strength.

That the doctors will figure out exactly what is going on with my blood sugars, and the amniotic fluid so we know what to expect, look for, and plan as we are in the home stretch.

That Averi's heart will continue to function normally and provide her body with the support it needs to sustain her. That the pediatric cardiologist will confirm or rule out an abnormality in Averi's artery so we can plan accordingly.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.


  1. We continue to pray. God knows what Averi needs and He is in control. I pray for peace and strength for you as you go through these last few weeks. I remember having a conversation with Tricia a couple of weeks before she delivered Cadenne. She was in tears because it seems like the closer it got, the harder it was. I just reminded her (as i remind you now) that God loves you and Averi, and He is a good God. If He is good, then His plan is always good. I pray you can rest in His goodness!

  2. Definitely praying for you!! I know how emotionaly driaing all of tis is. Just try to keep your head up, take time to yourself and just beathe. Lots of love!

  3. Praying for Averi.

    I had high fluids. I reached 44. It does go back down. Stay strong and positive.
