Monday, October 5, 2009

Ob/Gyn check and NICU tour

Ok so OB/GYN check went well. The doctor was so kind and answered ALL of my questions (I had a new list for this appointment). I love him he is great! Averi's heartbeat was strong, we will have an ultrasound on our next visit in 2 weeks, didn't get one today. I gained 2 pounds again, ugh. I am trying really hard not to gain any weight. My blood pressure was good, and Glucose test came back normal. The doctor put us on the calendar for induction on December 14th, barring any issues or distress on Averi. Our doctor will be at UC Davis that week, yay! He briefly went over the Ronald McDonald house and Kiwani's house option and also said that there were hotels very close. He said that they will probably do the repair at or around 10 days which puts us right at Christmas Eve. So we may be spending Christmas in the waiting room of the hospital waiting for Averi to get out of surgery. The kids are aware of this and are being very understanding. We are going to go with the flow this year, and play it by ear.

The NICU consult and tour went very well. The Charge Nurse was so informative and answered all of our questions with straight answers. They have a room that they use primarily for CDH babies. There was a CDH baby in that room so we couldn't go in. We just kind of peeked in and got a quick look at the doorway. They have 2 ECMO machines in NICU and 3 in PICU and 2 on standby/backup, but that they machines can be moved between the 2 areas quickliy if need be. They like to try and use High Frequency Ventilators (HFV) and Nitric Oxide before using ECMO. They use earplugs on the baby for both ECMO and HFV. They have an awesome L&D with high tech infant beds with the equipment on them that they will need for Averi in the room. They have a breast pumping room were they supply all you need and you can even wheel the pumps to the rooms. The lobby of the NICU has WiFi so Kevin can work there. They a parent room with lockers and such and a parent sleeping room. Averi will have her own nurse, the ratio is 1:1. We met one of the Neonatalogists and he actually asked me questions. He asked me how I was feeling and how things were going. Then he said he was wishing us the best and he would see us soon. Overall the visit was just amazing and gave me so much more peace.

It looks like the insurance thing has all been worked out. It will cost us a little more but we get to keep the same awesome plan! Thank you Jesus! Ok I will add more if I can think of it. Your continued prayers are so very appreciated!


  1. It all sounds really familiar, and sounds like they "know what they're doing." LOL As for the whole Christmas thing, we know what that's like. Good that your kids understand. Glad that it sounds like the RMH is a possibility, but you can use us as a "back up" if they're full. (I am assuming by what you said that they are linked to the RMH, because not every hospital is. That was what I was wondering.) Still continuing to pray.


  2. Sounds really really good! Keep in mind that when they say "plan to do the repair at around ten days" that really is nothing more than a guess. It could be way earlier, and it could be way later. The stop and go nature of the "plan" with regard to Cadenne's surgery has left a lasting effect on our family. We say "the 'p word' when we talk about making one. For awhile there we daren't utter the word... we just *knew* it was going to change anyway!!

    It's looking like we're going to be up in Northern California the entire week of Thanksgiving... likely driving up the Monday before. Start thinking about a time that might work for you guys to get together! :) We'll be planning family stuff, but we can work around it, because I definitely want to carve out some time to get together with you!

  3. Hello from a fellow CDH mommy! My son Noah was born 6/7/07 with a LCDH. He is a bouncing 2 year old today and into everything! Please let me know if I can be of any help or if you have ANY questions. I will be keeping you and your family and precious Averi in my thoughts and prayers! CP NoahDavid

  4. I have added you and your precious baby to my prayer list : ) I have an angel born w/ CDH and a CHD. God bless!!
