Tuesday, September 29, 2009

NICU consult and tour Oct.5

OK so nothing really new to report but I do want to reach out again and ask if anyone has any question suggestions for our NICU consult and tour on Oct.5th.

I have already received a few really good suggestions and I am so thankful.

I also wanted to reach out to those who have made comments and ask if you have a blog, and wouldn't mind me adding a link to it, could you post a comment with your blog information. I am new to this blog thing and am still getting use to navigating to other blogs. If you are reading this blog and wouldn't mind me adding a link to your blog please post a comment with your blog information as well. I would love to connect with as many people in the CDH community as possible. I would also like to add links to non-CDH blogs as well.

Prayer requests: Kevin's company has decided to change the way they offer health insurance, so pray that the coverage and premiums will cover Averi's needs and not break our bank accounts.

Pray for Averi.

Thank you so much for your prayers, I really appreciate it I cannot say that enough.


  1. We have a link to you on our blog, so I hope you don't mind. Feel free to add us to yours.

    Continued prayers for Averi and for a better health insurance package :)


  2. I am a mom to a CDH survivor, Dakota, born on Christmas Day 12-25-2008. Unfortunately I do not have a blog. My daughter was 7 weeks early so I didn't have the chance to make one. I keep telling myself that I should make one as I know I clung to all the survivor blogs I could find while I was pregnant with Dakota and while she was in the NICU.
    Which is what leads me to my suggestion, the single most helpful thing I did at my NICU tour was get to meet the parents of a CDH baby who had passed all the scary parts and was on his way home. I always only saw that scary picture with all the tubes hooked up, but that day I got to see a baby looking lively and beautiful, with only monitors and a nasal cannula of oxygen hooked up. He was dressed and learning to breast feed. It was wonderful! There are privacy laws, so the staff or doctor will have to approach the parents first to get permission, but I know when I was in the NICU I loved meeting expecting parents.
    I am praying for Averi and praying that you don't have to worry about insurance! Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions.
    Mom to Dakota 12-25-2008
    RCDH survivor

  3. I think we have a link to your blog on our blog as well! You're welcome to add us www.cdhsurvivorjaxson.blogspot.com.

    The CDH blog community is a great place for support, advice, etc!


  4. You can definitely add us if you like!

  5. You know you can add ours! :)

    Prayers for the insurance thing!
