Monday, September 14, 2009

Transfer of care

I am 26 weeks pregnant!!! I can't believe how the last 6 weeks have gone by so fast. We have an appointment with Sacramento Maternal fetal Medicine to transfer care.

If anyone has any suggestions on what to ask the specialists, and then for the NICU when we take the tour, please feel free to put them in the comment section.

Your continued prayers are so appreciated.

Prayer requests:

That the specialists will care for myself and Averi adequately.

That Averi's lungs would grow and that her heart will continue to grow with no compression hindering it to do so.

For God to continue to give me peace and continue to teach me to leave Averi in His hands (I am still learning). I tend to worry alot and I am trying to put it all in God's hands.

1 comment:

  1. You are in our prayers. I will pray for all that you requested for you and your little one
