Wednesday, September 2, 2009


WOW..... this appointment took forever. The appointment was at 6pm. We left at 3pm to make sure we got there on time. We actually got there just before 5pm. So thery took me back early. They started the MRI at 5:30pm. Honestly, I freaked out a little when they put me in the tube. I am a little claustrophobic, and boy when they put me in the tube I thought I was alot claustrophobic. Deep breathing helped, then I calmed down.

It was only supposed to be at the most a 90 minute appointment. Averi was moving around so much that it took until 8:20pm, and she didn't get all of the pictures she needed but most of them. I got one 5 minute break. It was almost 3 hours of laying in that tube, but it was for Averi, so I HAD to do it.

We should have results within the next day or so. Until then, we are so thankful your continued prayers and support.


  1. Oh gosh! That takes me back to my MRI with my son, Maxton. He had LCDH and is now an angel. Anyways, i HATED it! I even started crying towards the end... I just kept telling myself that I could do it for him and all the things he would have to go through. Many prayers for you guys and for Averi! Thinking of you all!


  2. Oh, those MRIs are brutal. I can remember thinking (we lived in the bay area at the time) "Oh I hope we don't have an earthquake while I'm stuck in this thing." I was relieved to get out of it.

    Thanks for sharing your continuing story! I read every word and you are in my prayers. It is interesting how once you have a CDH baby (or grandbaby in my case) every CDH baby's story just hooks your heart!

  3. I remember my ultrasound took almost two hours. I got light headed and almost passed out. I cant imagine being in the tube. You are so brave! I know Averi will be a fighter when she comes out. Praying for you
