Sunday, December 27, 2009

27 days old...

Averi is still critical, but stable. It takes her a bit to recover from things like x-rays and dialysis circuit changes, but as days go by it seems like it is taking her less time to bounce back. They now think that one of the hematomas in her liver is stable, and the other has only grown minimally.

The kids got to see Averi briefly on Christmas Day, but they and Teresa are now showing signs of being sick, so they are all staying away. (Kevin is with Averi.)

...and GREAT news! The left lung has expanded! Kevin heard "good left lung" from one of the residents during rounds last night, and that there are equal upper chest breath sounds.

Pray for Teresa to be healthy, for the other kids to be healthy, and for Averi not to pick up any germs that might be in the air. Pray for continued lung expansion/growth, and increased stability.

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