Friday, December 11, 2009

•∞•∞• TIME CHANGE!!! •∞•∞•

Averi's surgery has been moved up to 11:30am.

She didn't have a great night. They made lots of ventilator changes, and Averi didn't respond well to them. It takes her a long time to recover each time they do even the smallest change.

I'm not sure if the time change was due to this or just simply the morning schedule opening up.

Please keep praying! I'll post more information as I get it!


  1. I'm Jackson Beals Mommy, I just now came accross your blog. I don't know if you ever even read my blog, but I just wanted to let you know that i'm praying for her today......I'm so sorry that yet another baby has to go through this.........May God be with Averi and your family today ....

    Candice Brooke Beal

  2. Keeping Averi in my thoughts and prayers!

    mommy to Owain LCDH
