Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Figured I'd introduce myself... and a wee update

I'm Tricia, and I've been getting Teresa's blog up to date with her Facebook posts. Any post you see that has my name at the bottom is me (duh) and when Teresa gets on, it'll have her name there... That way you know who is posting! Teresa and I went to the same church when she was in junior high and I was in high school. Coincidentally, I also have a CDH baby who was born almost exactly two years ago. It is such a blessing to be able to walk alongside the Gaynors and offer support when it is needed. People were such a blessing in our lives when we walked this difficult road, and it is great to be able to use that experience to help someone else! If you are interested in reading about our daughter Cadenne's journey, click here. She was in the hospital for 12 weeks and has had a total of ten surgeries. This CDH road is a roller coaster for sure, and completely unpredictable. Thank you for supporting the Gaynors through all these ups and downs!

I just spoke with Teresa a little while ago, and Averi's sats were good. They still want the oxygen to come up, but she is stable. They are hoping to speak with the doctor for an extended meeting tomorrow. Pray that they get good rest tonight and that Averi has a quiet, restful night as well.

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