Saturday, December 19, 2009

♥ ♥ ♥ Update ♥ ♥ ♥ (19 days old, day 8 of ECMO)

Averi seemed to stabilize yesterday. They are still trying to get some fluid off, but are only able to get 10mL/hr using the dialysis. She seems to be tolerating that more than she was the 20mL/hr setting. Teresa doesn't think she looks that swollen compared to some other ECMO babies she's seen. Most of the swelling is from her liver.

They did an x-ray this morning, and her right lung has opened up a lot more. Praise God!

Another concern that Teresa has had is Averi's eyes. She said that they were open pretty much all day yesterday, but not blinking or anything. They asked them to tape them shut, and they put this gel patch on her last night, and her eyes are almost all the way closed today. So that's better, too.

I asked Teresa for very specific prayer requests. I really feel that we need to pray very specifically! This is what she said:

• Stable blood pressure as they remove fluid. We know from previous experience that Averi doesn't tolerate things when her fluid levels get too low too fast. Pray for wisdom for the doctors and nurses as they make decisions concerning fluid.

• Expansion of lungs. The right lung has expanded quite a bit, but so far the left lung has not. Pray for that little lung to be full of air.

Teresa & Kevin have decided to take things one day at a time and celebrate each day that they have with their daughter. Keep them and their other kids in your prayers, too. I know that they appreciate each and every one of you!


  1. I would agree that Averi doesn't look very swollen, that is very good! Thinking of the Gaynor family!

